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Aboriginal Families as First Educators (AFaFE)
Since 2015, CEWA has been offering the Aboriginal Families as First Educators Program (AFaFE), supported by Commonwealth funding. Selected schools organise Aboriginal playgroups for children up to the age of 4 where their parents/carers are supported as their childrens’ first educators. The goal of AFaFE is strengthen the connections between Aboriginal families and communities and the school. AFaFE’s aim is to improve the children’s school readiness and increase parental/carer engagement in their learning. This will lead to increased Aboriginal student enrolment, attendance and achievement in CEWA schools.
The following schools currently offer
an AFaFE program:
Luurnpa Catholic School – Balgo Hills
Sacred Heart School - Beagle Bay
Mandurah Catholic College - Mandurah
St John Bosco College - Piara Waters
St Joseph’s College - Albany
St Joseph’s School - Kununurra
St Joseph’s School - Moora
St Joseph’s School - Waroona
St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School - Redcliffe
St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School - Carnarvon
St Mary’s College - Broome
Star of the Sea Primary School - Rockingham
St John’s School - Rangeway

Stories from the AFaFE Community
Contact the Aboriginal Education Team
To find out how the AFaFE program can work at your school to increase Aboriginal student enrolments.