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Transforming Lives Engagement Officers (TLEO)

Transforming Lives Engagement Officers (TLEO) are a proactive and economically viable way to resource schools that are in a high-Aboriginal population area, but have low Aboriginal student enrolments, to build a genuine connection with their local Aboriginal community and in time increase enrolment of Aboriginal children in our Catholic schools. TL: S2025 School Clusters are established using current demographic and enrolment data.

The key accountability of the TLEO role is Bold Goal 2: to support schools to double the number of Aboriginal students in Catholic schools within their TL: S2025 School Cluster. The TLEO will achieve this through three Primary Accountabilities:

  1. Provide advice to TL:S2025 School Cluster leadership in relation to the PARTNERSHIPS and PLPs Priorities of the Aboriginal Education Improvement Map;
  2. Develop strength-based partnerships between all schools in the relevant TL:S2025 School Cluster, both between themselves and with their local Aboriginal community; and
  3. Contribute to the Transforming Lives: Strategy 2025.

Contact the Aboriginal Education Team

To find out how a TLEO can work with your school to increase Aboriginal student enrolments.