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CECWA Aboriginal Community Committee and Catholic Education Aboriginal Committee

2019 Perth CEAC Committee with retired committee members.
Catholic Education Commission Western Australia (CECWA)
The CECWA has released its Strategic Directions 2019-2023 where it sets out the vision for Catholic Education in Western Australia and provides clarity of purpose, governance and support. It is based on CECWA’s six guiding principles drawn from the Bishops’ Mandate and was endorsed by the Commission in October 2018.
Aboriginal Community Committee (ACC) brings an Aboriginal perspective to the work of CEWA, providing access to quality education for Aboriginal children and young people, and promoting Aboriginal participation, inclusivity and mutual understanding in the wider community.
Chair: Dr Graeme Gower
Regional Catholic Education Aboriginal Committees and/or Community Contact (CEAC)
Regional CEAC ensures wide and deep consultation and representation of Aboriginal perspectives. Each Diocese will have a CEAC or a Community Representative, which will inform the CECWA Aboriginal Community Committee. Each regional CEAC will consider governance issues specific to their respective diocese and will provide a local perspective to state-wide strategies. The Chair of each CEAC holds a position on the Aboriginal Community Committee.
Due to the isolation and distance between some Aboriginal communities, there may not necessarily be one CEAC group or one overall Chair. Instead, in those communities away from a township, one person from each community can nominate to be a CEAC Community Contact. One contact person from each community can act as a whole-group representative and sit on the ACC on a rotational basis.
Perth Archdiocese: Ms Naomi Pitt
Geraldton diocese: Mr Michael Cook (Acting)
Bunbury diocese: TBA

Contact the Aboriginal Education Team
If you are interested to join your local CEAC in your diocese.